Higher Intelligence Studios

H.I.S. is the sound medicine and healing practice offered in San Francisco by Chet Bentley. Chet is a talented and passionate musician who has been training as a healer for the past few years. It was a joy to help bring his vision to life and open doors to a brand-new endeavor.

I collaborated with Chet to:
- Identify web goals
-Create an overall brand style and site design
-Visualize content strategy
-Build the website using Squarespace
-Explore strategy for promoting the new business and website

Jan 2024
Website Build

Client: H.I.S., Chet Bentley
Role: Visual Designer, Web Strategist, Web Builder
Link: higherintelligencestudios.com
Illustrations: Peter Sonnenberg

Site Design

Sacred Geometry Glyph

Shakti Blue

Inside Higher Intelligence Studios